Register for the Upcoming Continuing Education Workshop

Baltimore Psychological Association

Continuing Education Workshops
All workshops are on Sunday from 2 to 5 pm
at the Community College of Baltimore County, Owings Mills Campus or on Zoom (see the schedule below).
Zoom link to register for the next workshop

Download a copy of the CCBC Member Registration Form


Non-members who would like to join us should contact the CCBC Call Center, (443) 840-2222 and register.

Non-Members Fees

One Session, Baltimore County Resident               $35.00
One Session, Non-Baltimore County Resident     $45.00

2025 Workshops

1/19/25 Treating Chronic Insomnia Neal Morris, EdD (Zoom)
2/16/25 Eating Disorders 101-first line treatment - what you need to know Angela Guarda, MD and Mary Martinelli, PhD (Zoom)
3/16/25 (Diversity) A Psychologist’s Playbook: Working with people on the gender spectrum Kate Thomas, Ph.D. (In-person)
4/27/25 TBD Ann Kaiser Stearns, PhD (Zoom)
5/18/25 VULNERABLE ETHICS; HOW WE CAN LOSE OUR ETHICAL COMPASS AMID RAPIDLY CHANGING SOCIAL VALUES (IN PERSON) Fundamentals of Clinical Ethics in Mental Health Care Mark Komrad, MD (In-person)
6/8/25 Psychedelic Science & Medicine: An Informal Overview David Yaden, PhD (In-person)
9/21/25 Clinical Work with Adult ADHD David Palmiter, PhD (In-person)
10/19/25 Update on Problem Solving Therapy Ann Aspnes, PhD, ABPP (Zoom)
11/16/25 Alcohol and Substance Use Disorder Nicholas Beckett; Gregory Hobelman, MD, MPH; David Crone, PsyD; & Mary Jane Martz, LCSW-C (In-Person)
12/21/25 Traumatic Brain Injury David Schretlen, PhD

Previous Workshops

12/15/24 Psychopharmacology Younus Mohammed, MD (Zoom)
11/17/24 (Meets Diversity) Healing at the Intersections: The role of psychology in social justice promotion for marginalized populations Harriet Wimms, PhD (In-Person)
10/20/24 (Meets Ethics) An introduction to the ethics and legality of videoconferencing-based telehealth for mental health practitioners Jonathan Perle, PhD, ABPP (Zoom)
9/15/24 Selective Mutism for Professionals: Basics and Beyond Alison Miller, PsyD (Zoom)
6/9/24 Integrative Approach to Helping Families Cope with Serious Illness Delia Chiaramonte, MD (Zoom)
5/19/24 Recognizing and Understanding the Less Obvious Presentations of Autism Donna Henderson, PsyD (Zoom)
4/21/24 Executive Function and Learning Disabilities Vince Culotta, PHD, ABN (Zoom)
3/17/24 The Future of Psychoanalysis- Views from the past and present George Strutt, PhD (In-Person)
2/18/24 (Meets Diversity) Sexuality challenges with cisgender and gender-diverse couples Chris Kraft, PhD (In-Person)
1/21/24 (Meets Ethics) How to understand and avoid legal and ethical pitfalls Richard Bloch, Esq. (In-Person)
12/17/23 Psychopharmacology Review for Non-Prescribers: New FDA-approved Drugs and Indications Peter Smith, PsyD, MSCP (In-Person)
11/19/23 The Importance of Community/School Partnerships when Treating Children and Adolescents Mindy Milstein, PhD (In-Person)
10/15/23 Assessing Dangerousness Anne Kaiser Stearns, PhD (Zoom)
9/10/23 Trauma and Healing: How to implement Trauma Informed Care and take the next steps towards culturally-based Healing Centered Engagement Kyla Liggett-Creel, PhD (Zoom)
6/25/23 The Art of Psychotherapy Charles Citrenbaum, PhD (In-person)
5/21/23 (Meets Diversity) Ethnicity Michelle Friedman, PhD (Zoom)
4/23/23 Clinical Considerations for The Many Subtypes of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Jonathan Hershfield, MFT (in-person)
3/19/23 OCD: More than just handwashing, Part 2 Christina Brooks, PsyD (Zoom)
2/19/23 (Meets Ethics) Legal and Ethical Updates Richard Bloch, Esq. (Zoom)
1/15/22 OCD: More than just handwashing, Part 1 Christina Brooks, PsyD (Zoom)
12/18/22 Integrating Trauma Treatment into Clinical Practice: Assessment and Interventions for Trauma-rated Disorders Sarah Swenson, Psy.D.
10/16/22 DBT Part 2 Andrea Gottlieb, Ph.D.
9/18/22 DBT Part 1 Andrea Gottlieb, Ph.D.
4/10/22 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: The interplay between persona and shadow Peter Demuth, PhD
3/20/22 Psychotherapy with Orthodox Jews (Diversity) Psychotherapy with Orthodox Jews (Diversity)
2/20/22 Risk management in a digital era, boundary issues, and complex ethical decisions (Ethics) Frederic Reamer, PhD
1/16/22 Hidden in Plain Sight: Human Trafficking Identification and Response Shari Kim, PhD
12/19/21 Mental Health Problems in Athletes Kim Anderson, PhD and Amy Gooding, PhD
11/21/21 Social Media and the Mental Health Professional Dinah Miller, MD
10/17/21 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: It’s Not What You Think Sally Winston, PsyD
9/19/21 Grief and the Autism Spectrum Disorder Kyle Johnson, PhD
6/13/21 Trauma Informed Models of Care Maria Mouratidis, PsyD
5/16/21 What our patients have taught us. Jim Gormally, PhD
4/18/21 Working with African American Women & Men in Psychotherapy (Diversity) Angela Clack, PsyD, LPC
3/21/21 Child, Adolescent, and Family Work Briana Quinlan, LCSW-C
2/21/21 Mindfulness for Clients and Ourselves: Concepts, Benefits, and Practices Kris Bronson, PhD
1/17/21 ADHD in Life and in Love: Treating Couples When One Partner Has ADHD Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA
12/20/20 The Treatment of People Living with Schizophrenia in Community Mental Health Ann Hackman, MD
11/15/20 Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: Planning for Treatment and Implementing Components of Evidence-Based Therapies Tana Hope, Ph.D.
10/18/20 Redefining Aging: Successful Aging and Compassionate Care Giving (Diversity) Ann Kaiser Stearns, Ph.D.
9/13/20 Gender 201: Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment of Gender Variant Individuals Kate Thomas, Ph.D.
6/14/20 Law & Ethics in a Changing World: What Can I Do? Richard Bloch, Esq.
5/17/20 Sex, Love and Relationships: A Potpourri of Strategies to Work With Couples Amy Miron, M.S. and Charles Miron, Ph.D.
4/19/20 Neuropsychiatric, Behavioral and Cognitive Aspects of Parkinson's Disease Howard Weiss, MD
2/16/20 Strategies for Clinicians to Manage Vicarious Trauma Maria Mouratidis, Psy.D.
1/19/20 Evaluation of the Adolescent Sexual Offender Michael Adler, Ed.D.
12/15/19 Gender 101 Kate Thomas, Ph.D.
11/17/19 The Insanity Defense. Perspectives on the Legal Aspects of Psychopathology Jim Dasinger, Ed.D.
10/27/19 Echo and Narcissus: Myth as a Way to Understand Relationships with a Narcissist Diane Pomerantz, Ph.D.
9/22/19 Positive Psychology Jim Dasinger, EdD and Susan Campbell, PhD
6/23/19 The Life and Work of Dr. Viktor Frankl: An Introduction Jay Levinson, Ph.D.
5/19/19 The Role of an Integrative Approach and Creativity in Psychotherapy: Theory and Strategies Charlie Citrenbaum, Ph.D.
4/7/19 Strategies for the Clinical Management of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Maria Mouratidis, Psy.D.
3/24/19 Advice Giving in Psychotherapy: Is it Advised? Clara Hill, Ph.D.
2/17/19 Managing Risk In Everyday Practice: The Ethics of being a Psychologist in the Real World Michael Heitt, Psy.D.
1/20/19 Pain Management Doesn't Have to Hurt Joseph Eisenberg, Ph.D
12/16/18 Understanding and Treating Adults with ADHD Denise H. Bike, Ph.D.
11/18/18 OCD: Biology and Treatment Gerald Nestadt, MBBCh, MPH
10/21/18 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Hanita Sawhney Chhabra, MD
9/16/18 Medical Psychology Peter Smith, PsyD, Marla Sanzone, PhD, and Sam Dutton, PhD
7/15/18 Reframing the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders Peter Musser, Ph.D.
6/10/18 Group Psychotherapy in a Multicultural World (Diversity) Reginald Nettles, Ph.D.
5/20/18 A Short Term Therapy for Treatment Resistant Patients Maurice Joseph, Ph.D.
4/15/18 DBT and Substance Use Disorders Maria Mouratidis, Psy.D.
3/18/18 Helping Grieving People When Tears Are Not Enough Shep Jeffreys, Ed.D.
2/25/18 Records, Social Media and the Digital World of Psychology! A Legal & Ethical Update Richard Bloch, Esq.
12/17/17 Mental Considerations for Working with African American Youth Whitney Hobson, Psy.D.
11/19/17 Clinician Self-Care and Resiliency Robert Wicks, Psy.D.
10/15/17 Keeping Your Memory Sharp George Rebok, Ph.D.
9/17/17 Using Dreams in Psychotherapy Clara Hill, Ph.D.
7/16/17 Mindfulness & Self-Compassion to Enhance OCD Treatment Jon Hershfield, MFT
6/25/17 Dealing with Differences: How culture impacts the helping relationship James Gormally, Ph.D.
5/21/17 Family Therapy Mariana Martinez, Psy.D.
4/30/17 Cancelled Cancelled
3/19/17 Treatment of Sexual Disorders and Reproductive Problems: Part II – Focus on the Male William Petok, Ph.D.
2/26/17 Beyond Jihad: Understanding the Muslim World Durriya Meer, Psy.D.
1/29/17 Perfectionism Elspeth Bell, Ph.D.
12/18/16 Ethics, Law and Risk Management Richard Bloch, Esq.
11/20/16 Pediatric Anxiety Disorders Shreya Hessler, Psy.D.
10/17/16 Hypnosis as an Adjunct to Dream Interpretation Peter Demuth, Psy.D.
9/18/16 Working with Meaning in Life in Psychotherapy Clara Hill, Ph.D.
6/26/16 Treatment of Sexual Disorders William Petok, Ph.D.
5/15/16 Feminist Therapy with Black Clients Leslie Leathers, Ph.D.
4/17/16 “High End” Autism Spectrum Disorder Eve Band, Ph.D. (Diversity)
3/20/16 Anxiety-Based School Refusal Jonathan Dalton, Ph.D.
2/28/16 Sports Psychology Daniel Zimet, Ph.D.
12/20/2015 OCD and the Family Jonathan Hershfield, MFT
11/15/2015 Hoarding Disorder: Conceptualization and Clinical Interventions Elspeth Bell, Ph.D.
10/18/2015 Practicing Psychology in a Technology World: Ethical, Legal and Clinical Issues Richard Bloch, Esq.
9/20/2015 Worry and Subtle OCD: When Traditional CBT and Coping Skills Can Be Counterproductive Sally Winston, PsyD
6/14/2015 Sleep Disorders Neal Morris, EdD
5/17/2015 All in the Family: Supporting and Empowering Families with Disabilities Sara Palmer, PhD
5/18/2014 Role of the Psychologist in the Treatment of Obesity Roth, Ph.D.
4/17/2014 Topics in the OCD Spectrum Winston, Psy.D.
3/16/2014 Antidepressants, How Far Have We Come Jonas, M.D.
2/16/2014 Thinking About Psychological Assessment Jennifer Neeman, Ph.D.
1/26/2014 Mood Disorders in the DSM-5 Durwood Whitten, Ph.D.
12/15/2013 Addictions, The Inside Story Richard Prodey, MA, MS
11/17/2013 DSM 5 Durwood Whitten, Ph.D.
10/20/2013 DBT: Principles and Practice Maria Mouratidis, Psy.D.
9/22/2013 Ethical Considerations in Educational Report Writing Wayne Steedman, Esq.
6/16/2013 The Psychology of Child Custody Legislation and Litigation Shokek
5/19/2013 Neurological and Psychological Approaches to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Headaches Ribeiro & Waranch
4/21/2013 Hypnosis: Current Trends Dasinger & McTamney
3/15/2013 Sexual Addictions Kraft
2/17/2013 Psychologist as a Witness & Subpoenas: Expert, Fact or Fear Bloch
1/20/2013 Conceptualizing and Treating African American Families Johnson
12/16/2012 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Castro & Jacoby